
How Fast Can You Go?

  • September 9

Whether you’re at Fair Park or even driving around certain parts of Dallas, it’s hard to miss the towering site of the Texas Star Ferris Wheel! After all, it’s the largest Ferris wheel in the United States. As you’re watching it turn, there are lots of things you might wonder about, but if you’re like us, one of the first that comes to mind is: How fast is your gondola whisking through the air when you ride it? Join students and faculty from Greenhill School in exploring this question.... CONTINUE READING

Similar Triangles or Not?

  • September 9

What are similar triangles and how can we tell if triangles are similar or if they are not? Students and faculty from CityLab High School, Dallas ISD join us on a beautiful day at Fair Park, an architectural treasure trove in the city of Dallas to explore this question using the sights of the Esplanade. Supplementary Activity Guides for this video to extend student learning for K-12 grade levels are freely available here:... CONTINUE READING

How do we make the Swing go high?

  • September 9

Elementary students in the after school club came up with ideas for a math walk around their campus. In this math walk stop, they explore the swing on their playground through their STEM lens. Research conducted during this semester-long afterschool club led to this research paper: Wang, M., Walkington, C., & Dhingra, K. (2021). Facilitating Student-Created Math Walks, Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12, 114(9), 670-676. Retrieved Sep 17, 2021, from... CONTINUE READING

What is the Really Big Number Here?

  • September 9

Dr. Glen Whitney, founder of the National Museum of Mathematics in New York and walkSTEM advisor, has fun with a really big number by estimating the number of stones that were used to build the sidewalk on Flora street. Using number arrays, estimation, and collaborative groupwork, Dr Whitney and friends come up with their estimate and then visualize how tall of a tower these stones would be if they were to be stacked up vertically. Can you guess? Supplementary Activity Guides for this video to e... CONTINUE READING

How Can Shapes Create Feelings?

  • September 9

Architect I. M. Pei designed this visually striking building. Dr. Glen Whitney, founder of the National Museum of Mathematics in New York and walkSTEM advisor, points out that the effect of the design is dependent in part on the use of two geometric shapes that are unexpectedly used together. Supplementary Activity Guides for this video to extend student learning for K-12 grade levels are freely available here:... CONTINUE READING

What is a Mathematical Fossil Hunt?

  • September 9

Dr. Glen Whitney, founder of the National Museum of Mathematics in New York and walkSTEM advisor, takes us on a mathematical fossil hunt as we observe a modern water feature at the Texas Sculpture Walk. Supplementary Activity Guides for this video to extend student learning for K-12 grade levels are freely available here: Support for these guides was provided... CONTINUE READING

How Do You Measure Pitch and How is it Helpful?

  • September 9

Dr. Glen Whitney, founder of the National Museum of Mathematics in New York and walkSTEM advisor, notices the two systems of ramps that lead into the Wyly Theater Center at the AT&T Performing Arts Center. He takes some quick measurements to figure out the slope, gradient or pitch of each of the two ramps, and then discusses how mathematics keeps us safe. Supplementary Activity Guides for this video to extend student learning for K-12 grade levels are freely available here:... CONTINUE READING

How Can Basic Shapes Create Complex Art?

  • September 9

Dr. Glen Whitney, founder of the National Museum of Mathematics in New York and walkSTEM advisor, enjoys connecting the arts and mathematics. He takes a look at the Pegasus sculpture outside of the the Booker T Washington high school and notices the collection of varied shapes used by the artist to create this complex form. Supplementary Activity Guides for this video to extend student learning for K-12 grade levels are freely available here:... CONTINUE READING

What’s the Really Big Number here?

  • September 9

Elementary students in the after school club came up with ideas for a math walk around their campus. In this math walk stop, they explore the hallway leading to the school cafeteria through their math lens. Research conducted during this semester-long afterschool club led to this research paper: Wang, M., Walkington, C., & Dhingra, K. (2021). Facilitating Student-Created Math Walks, Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12, 114(9), 670-676. Retrieved Sep 17, 2021, from... CONTINUE READING

How long is the spiral?

  • September 9

A high school student at Hockaday School created a campus STEM walk for elementary students to enjoy. In this walk stop she explores a spiral artwork on campus and invites children to estimate the length of the spiral using their math detective skills.... CONTINUE READING