
How symmetrical is a Buckyball?

  • September 9

Join Dr. Glen Whitney, Founder of the National Museum of Mathematics, as you discover the most symmetrical object at NorthPark Center- the Buckyball! Learn how to determine how symmetrical a shape is, and what makes the Buckyball so special. This video was supported by NorthPark Center. Supplementary Activity Guides for this video to extend student learning for K-12 grade levels are freely available here: htt... CONTINUE READING

How Do Cylinders Make Beautiful Shapes?

  • September 9

Dr. Glen Whitney, founder of the National Museum of Mathematics in New York and walkSTEM advisor, is struck by the cylinders obvious in the design of this modern building. The building is formed from two cylinders that intersect to form a beautiful parabola. Supplementary Activity Guides for this video to extend student learning for K-12 grade levels are freely available here: CONTINUE READING

How Can Shapes Create Feelings?

  • September 9

Architect I. M. Pei designed this visually striking building. Dr. Glen Whitney, founder of the National Museum of Mathematics in New York and walkSTEM advisor, points out that the effect of the design is dependent in part on the use of two geometric shapes that are unexpectedly used together. Supplementary Activity Guides for this video to extend student learning for K-12 grade levels are freely available here:... CONTINUE READING

How Can Basic Shapes Create Complex Art?

  • September 9

Dr. Glen Whitney, founder of the National Museum of Mathematics in New York and walkSTEM advisor, enjoys connecting the arts and mathematics. He takes a look at the Pegasus sculpture outside of the the Booker T Washington high school and notices the collection of varied shapes used by the artist to create this complex form. Supplementary Activity Guides for this video to extend student learning for K-12 grade levels are freely available here:... CONTINUE READING

What is the shape of the traffic bollard?

  • September 9

Dr. Glen Whitney, founder of the National Museum of Mathematics in New York and walkSTEM advisor, rapidly brainstorms a series of questions about the traffic bollards on an urban street. He illustrates for us that the math and STEM-related questions we can ask about everyday objects are almost endless and that it's a lot of fun to ask these questions in our everyday lives!... CONTINUE READING

What is Symmetry?

  • September 9

Symmetry describes the properties possessed by some shapes and objects that allows them to look similar when flipped, turned, or shifted. We take a look around the Dallas Public Library to find instances of symmetry in the designs around us.... CONTINUE READING

How Symmetrical Is It?

  • September 9

Dr. Glen Whitney, founder of the National Museum of Mathematics in New York and walkSTEM advisor discusses different kinds of symmetry you can experience in this place including rotational and mirror symmetry.... CONTINUE READING