
How can we estimate the amount of produce in a garden?

  • September 9

In order grow plants efficiently, making certain estimations is valuable - how well plants will grow, how much produce each plant will give use, or, even more fundamentally, how many plants we can fit in a given plot of land. Taking information we know about marigolds as an example, we showcase ways to determine these sorts of important predictions. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant DRL 2115393. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or re... CONTINUE READING

Using arrays, how many windows are there?

  • September 9

What's the best way to figure out the number of windows on the Texas School Book Depository? Math, of course! Watch the video to see how we applied the concept of arrays to answer this question. This video was supported by City of Dallas Office of Cultural Affairs.... CONTINUE READING

How can we measure arches and lines?

  • September 9

Over 7 million people visit the West End Historic District every year! What if they all stood in line to visit? What would that look like? We use math to help us understand this gargantuan number! This video was supported by City of Dallas Office of Cultural Affairs.... CONTINUE READING

What is the speed of the water?

  • September 9

Ronald Kirk Bridge is a pedestrian bridge over the Trinity River in Dallas, connecting downtown Dallas and West Dallas. It is over 2,000 feet long and 60 feet wide. At the Ronald Kirk Bridge, the talkSTEM team found a natural whirlpool in the Trinity River. The video explores a strategy for estimating the speed of water. What other strategies could you use to measure the speed of a liquid? What about objects traveling through air instead of water? At talkSTEM, we know that math isn't always perf... CONTINUE READING