
How is Spaceship One Uniquely Designed to Achieve its Goals?

  • September 9

SpaceShipOne is a rocket-powered aircraft with sub-orbital spaceflight capability at speeds of up to 3,000 ft/s (900 m/s). Its unique design features a “feathering” atmospheric reentry system where the rear half of the wing and the twin tail booms fold 70 degrees upward. Watch the video to understand the function of this unique design. Also, learn how you can do a simple experiment at home to see the rationale behind this design. Supplementary Activity Guides to extend student learning at th... CONTINUE READING

How to Measure Change in Musical Pitch?

  • September 9

We love playing the xylophone at the outdoor Soundscape. It's both fun and also a great opportunity to really understand what we mean by frequency or pitch. Also, we wondered if there is a mathematical relationship between length of bars and pitch. Finally we got to explore what happens to pitch when we played xylophones made of different materials! Supplementary Activity Guides for this video to extend student learning for K-12 grade levels are freely available here: CONTINUE READING