
How many tiles are there?

  • September 9

A high school student at Hockaday School created a campus STEM walk for elementary students to enjoy. In this walk stop, she comes up with a strategy for estimating the total number of tiles making up a walkway on campus.... CONTINUE READING

How long is the spiral?

  • September 9

A high school student at Hockaday School created a campus STEM walk for elementary students to enjoy. In this walk stop she explores a spiral artwork on campus and invites children to estimate the length of the spiral using their math detective skills.... CONTINUE READING

How Far Can We See?

  • September 9

The Texas Star is a ferris wheel that has delighted many families from 1985 onward. As one of the tallest such structures in North America, we wonder, exactly how far can you see from the top? Students and faculty from Greenhill School created this walk stop and contributed this content for all to enjoy! Supplementary Activity Guides for this video to extend student learning for K-12 grade levels are freely available here:... CONTINUE READING

Similar Triangles or Not?

  • September 9

What are similar triangles and how can we tell if triangles are similar or if they are not? Students and faculty from CityLab High School, Dallas ISD join us on a beautiful day at Fair Park, an architectural treasure trove in the city of Dallas to explore this question using the sights of the Esplanade. Supplementary Activity Guides for this video to extend student learning for K-12 grade levels are freely available here:... CONTINUE READING

What’s the Really Big Number here?

  • September 9

Elementary students in the after school club came up with ideas for a math walk around their campus. In this math walk stop, they explore the hallway leading to the school cafeteria through their math lens. Research conducted during this semester-long afterschool club led to this research paper: Wang, M., Walkington, C., & Dhingra, K. (2021). Facilitating Student-Created Math Walks, Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12, 114(9), 670-676. Retrieved Sep 17, 2021, from... CONTINUE READING

What is the Really Big Number Here?

  • September 9

Dr. Glen Whitney, founder of the National Museum of Mathematics in New York and walkSTEM advisor, has fun with a really big number by estimating the number of stones that were used to build the sidewalk on Flora street. Using number arrays, estimation, and collaborative groupwork, Dr Whitney and friends come up with their estimate and then visualize how tall of a tower these stones would be if they were to be stacked up vertically. Can you guess? Supplementary Activity Guides for this video to e... CONTINUE READING

How Many are in the Array?

  • September 9

The television screens laid out in the Dallas Public Library Louise Kahn Pavilion are arranged in an array, a regular grid of objects. This can make calculating how many screens are in the are the array a quick process – join us as we discuss the techniques to do so!... CONTINUE READING

How Many Cells Does It Take to Cross the Road?

  • September 9

DNA is the molecule used to store genetic information in living things. Despite the vast amount of information it stores, DNA is physically very small, curled and bunched up thousands of times – in fact, if DNA was fully stretched out, it would be incredibly long! We make calculations of just how long here. Join talkSTEM and UT Southwestern faculty and grad students as they explore the STEM concepts on their campus.... CONTINUE READING

How Tall is this Imaginary Person?

  • September 9

The sculpture Undulating X is constructed from metal in the shape of a giant chromosome, a discrete spool of DNA within a cell. But if a chromosome were actually this size, rather than microscopic, how big would the person who it belongs to be? Math can help us figure that out. Join talkSTEM and UT Southwestern faculty and grad students as they explore the STEM concepts on their campus.... CONTINUE READING

How Can We Calculate Pi?

  • September 9

Pi is a number describing the ratios various parts and measurements of circles have with each other, meaning we can calculate it from any measurable circle – including this sculpture, Sun Disc Triptych by Jesús Moroles. Join talkSTEM and UT Southwestern faculty and grad students as they explore the STEM concepts on their campus.... CONTINUE READING